Making Your Home More Comfortable

Why It’s Worth Paying For Quality AC Installation

When you own a home, the expenses can sometimes feel overwhelming. Homeowners can often save money by cutting corners and doing some work themselves, but there is one project with which it's almost always worth paying a professional to handle: installing an air conditioner. Here are three reasons why paying for quality AC installation is a smart choice. 1. Improper installation can reduce efficiency. If you look at most air conditioners, they will have an efficiency rating printed somewhere on the label or information ticket. Read More 

How To Keep Your High-Ceiling House Cool

In most cases, the size of the home dictates the size of the air conditioner (in terms of cooling capacity) to install; after that, you can expect your home to be efficiently cooled. However, you may need different tactics if you have a high-ceiling home. This is because the extra ceiling height adds extra air volume that also needs to be cooled. Here are some useful tips to help you cool a high-ceiling home: Read More 

How to Ensure Your HVAC System Doesn’t Worsen Your Allergies

If you have allergies, then you should learn all about the different ways your HVAC system can help or harm you with regards to those allergies. You'll also want to learn other tips for preventing allergies from being triggered as much as you can. Here are some of the things you want to keep in mind when you are worried about warding off allergy outbreaks caused by issues in your home: Read More 

Boilers Are Still A Viable Central Heating Solution

Many people mistakenly think that boilers are an old-fashioned, outdated form of central heating. In reality, they are still very common in both residential and commercial buildings. Even though forced air furnaces are more commonly used in modern construction, this article focuses on why boilers are still a great option. How do Boilers Work? Boilers work by heating water and circulating it throughout the building. A home with a central boiler will have a pipe system that runs throughout the walls, floorboards, and ceilings of the building. Read More 

3 Vital Furnace Maintenance Steps To Take In The Spring

Do you hate the cold and are tired of the winter months? Are you looking forward to the arrival of spring and the warm weather that will come with it? Even if you actually like the cold, there usually comes a time when a person gets tired of dealing with things like snow and ice, resulting in an intense longing for warmer weather. But as eager as you might be to put the winter weather behind you, it's important not to forget to maintain your furnace once the warm weather arrives. Read More