The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the average household expends approximately 18 percent of the total energy usage on heating water for household chores like bathing, cooking and washing clothes. Although that number has decreased over the last decade, it still adds up to a lot of money. One way you can dramatically reduce the money your household spends to heat water is by installing a solar water heater.
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If you have been recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, there's no doubt your mind is reeling. Multiple sclerosis is a progressive autoimmune disease that can have devastating effects on your body. It will be important for you to avoid triggering flare-ups because flare-ups speed up the progression of the disease. One thing that triggers flare-ups is heat. Here's what you need to know.
The Effects of Heat on Multiple Sclerosis
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If you live in a hot climate, you most likely run your air conditioner often in the summer in order to keep your home cool and comfortable. But running your air conditioner constantly can lead to high electric bills during the hottest months of the year. Use the following tips to help reduce the cost of cooling your home:
Schedule an Air Conditioner Tune-up
During the spring months, it is a good idea to have your air conditioner tuned up by a professional HVAC technician.
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With the temperatures rising, every day you are probably thinking less about the heating in your home. The truth is that this is a good time to do maintenance, repairs and upgrades. By doing these tasks now, your heating will be ready for another long winter in a few months. Here are some tips for maintenance of your heating system through the summer months to keep it ready for when winter comes:
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Most homeowners believe that if they have a mouse or rat problem, they will easily be able to spot the problem. However, both mice and rats have the tendency to stay hidden, only coming out to look for food and explore when they feel it is safe. Plus, rodents will not typically build a nest in a spot where there is a lot of human activity. The air ducts in your home make the ideal nesting spot for rodents because ductwork is typically tucked away in an unused location, such as the attic or crawlspace.
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