How To Clean An Air Furnace

A clean HVAC system is going to lead to a cleaner home in many ways. Not only will it increase your indoor air quality and reduce dust, but it is also going to reduce help eliminate odors in your home. Basically, if you keep your HVAC system clean, your entire home interior will also be easier to keep clean. But HVAC cleaning also happens to be useful because it can increase your appliance efficiency. For example, if your ducts are clean and unblocked at the important junctures and registers, you are going to have better airflow, which will mean that your major HVAC appliances won't need to work so hard. So even seemingly small jobs can reduce dust and odors in your home, while also making your HVAC more efficient.

Have Your Ducts Regularly Cleaned

The first step to a clean HVAC system is regular duct cleaning. Cleaning your air ducts is going to have a big bearing on the quality of air inside your home as far as VOCs are concerned. Certain VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, can represent a significant health risk. For example, your ducts can harbor mold and bacteria that can result in serious health issues and allergies. So if you have your ducts cleaned once every couple of years, there is going to be a far smaller risk of having any VOCs inside them. Obviously, since the air is eventually circulated into your home, these VOCs can also spread to other parts of your home, and not just inside the duct system. A professional duct cleaning by a company such as Advanced Air Quality Services will usually cost less than $200.

Air Filters Should Be Changed Yearly

Another important way to keep your air quality up is to replace your air filters in time. Many HVAC systems have several air filters throughout the building. Usually, there is an air filter connected to the air handler or furnace, and another within the air ducts. When air filters are clean and new, there is less risk of dust, dander, and allergens spreading throughout the duct system and into your home. It isn't necessarily difficult to replace or clean your air filters; many people even do it as a handy DIY project. All you need to do is buy a few filters in bulk so you can make the change as soon as your existing filter expires.

With clean filters and ducts, you will have fewer odor and air quality problems.
