Tips To Get Your Home Ready For Cold Winter Weather

When the winter arrives, you will find the challenges you encounter with keeping your home comfortable will change drastically. Unfortunately, homeowners will frequently fail to take any steps to ready their homes for the cold winter weather, but if you take advantage of some key steps, protecting your home against these hazards will be a much easier task.

Take Steps To Reduce Or Completely Stop Drafts

Drafts are one of the more common problems that may drastically reduce the comfort inside your home during cold weather. While homeowners often assume they will be unable to stop drafts without having major work done to the house, there are ways to help mitigate or stop this problem. One of the ways is to identify the source of the draft, and seal it using caulk. When caulk is not a viable repair option, you may want to use injection insulation, as this will help to block air from entering or exiting through these gaps.

Ready Your Heating System For Use

Before the cold temperatures arrive, prepare the heating system for use. During the spring and summer months, when the system is not in use, dust will gather on it, and this will likely impede the system from functioning, if these accumulations are no removed. Additionally, the air filter for the system will likely need to be replaced, to ensure that the system is receiving enough air. Lastly, you should perform a visual inspection of the heating system's exterior so that you can try to identify corrosion, warping, or other visible signs that the heating system may require professional repairs.

Be Prepared For A Heating Failure During Periods Of Extreme Winter Weather

By taking good care of your heating system, you will be able to ensure it will work as reliably as possible. Yet, these systems can still be at risk of suffering serious mechanical problems at unexpected times. If you live in an area that regularly receives dangerous temperatures or winter storms, you should have a plan in place for dealing with an unexpected heating failure. One option being to have a secondary heating system or a series of space heaters. Another solution may be to keep extra blankets, heating pads, and hand warmers available. The best choice will depend on the severity of the winters of your area. Those that experience significant winter weather may want to invest in a whole-house secondary heating system, while those with mild winter may only need additional blankets and hand warmers.
